BIG UP MENACE X stands for "beautifully uplifting minds unknowingly" So that is a necessary measure I tend to take every second uplifting thyself to reflect with the select few who get it

I figured it would look really cool since it was mixing something deadly as an RPG-7 with something cute like our puppies...
Ugly Mane is a catch-all for whatever creative drainage leaks out of me. I think it's a dumb name that makes most people immediately write me off and not investigate what I do purely based on the preconception of how dumb the name is. I like that...
It does now. I meditate every day just to not feel insane. The practice leaks into everything I do. With writing or recording, I do let thoughts take me for a ride...
“Would You Trade Your Hands For Wings?” That’s really the question isn’t it, would you?
On some psychotic episodes, I catch myself hallucinating cameras on the corners of my bedroom, broadcasting to a non-existent audience my suffering, as if it were just a theatrical performance. Just because all that suffering by itself lacks purpose, feels empty...
It’s Steve Harvey’s eyes. I like to put Steve Harvey’s eyes in stuff I make. Idk why it just makes me feel good to know he’s watching...
Do drugs at an early age, underage drinking is good, quit your job and become a professional gamer or soundcloud rapper...
La Calandria is a performer of Puerto Rican ‘Jibaro’ music, which is a traditional style in Puerto Rico mostly from the countryside...