the release of art brings with it the release of emotions entangling with & informing the work. our pain screams at us...

Anthony Fantano is a music review guy from the Internet and everything you need to know is just that he does that. That's the thing that he does. That's his job. That's his work...
Do it for a reason more important than money or clout and be yourself. Also have fun and don’t be afraid to experiment...
I would still argue that there is something deeply troubling about the “McMindfulness” that people are becoming more aware of - that is, mindfulness used in the service of improving productivity, well-being or focus...
Jokes aside; the name "Lobsterfight" unfortunately has no actual meaning or interesting place of origin I'd have to admit. I came up with it randomly during my criminology class...
Our videos are brutal, our takes are brutal, we brutalize our fans...
The idea of protector, the album, to me, is sort of about. Caring and love. So the message is that everyone is a protector, and should strive to be, and to protect the people they care about and be protected in turn...
I think we all assembled by sheer proximity, the sheer desire to partake in a lot of substances, needing one core activity to tie us all together...
things often kinda vaguely float in my head still, so it's hard to promise anything...