Do it for a reason more important than money or clout and be yourself. Also have fun and don’t be afraid to experiment...
Our lofi hip-hop section explores a genre that exponentially increased the internet's ability to study and relax.
Do it for a reason more important than money or clout and be yourself. Also have fun and don’t be afraid to experiment...
Their visual imagery on album art is some of my favourite in the underground scene, with 'Shrines' depicting an NYPD officer grappling down the side of a building in Harlem looking into a window at a 425-pound tiger...
It does now. I meditate every day just to not feel insane. The practice leaks into everything I do. With writing or recording, I do let thoughts take me for a ride...
I’ve always wanted to make my own music purposeful in luring the listener either further into themselves or conversely, further beyond themselves...
ETHEREAL.PRESS is an independent digital media publication focused on the expansion of human creative consciousness. Merging the (mainstream + underground)
"The name Etran de L’Aïr translates to “the Stars of the Aïr,” the mountainous region of Northern Niger."
One of the highlights of the set was Marc stripping down to his underwear and diving into the crowd with a bottle of champagne...
the release of art brings with it the release of emotions entangling with & informing the work. our pain screams at us...
My spiritual practice and my musical practice are intertwined at this point. It’s completely natural for me to be an artist merged with my spiritual inner world, but I’m just now attempting to communicate publicly about it...