I took inspiration from the somewhat schizophrenic yet entertaining behavior of a few cats I've owned who purr for attention and then sink their teeth into you without reason or warning.

I think it's just really hard to find a band name. I feel like a connection to it. It just kind of was intuitive...
Navigating darkness isn’t easy but we can’t have light without dark. We all go through devastating times, trauma, heartbreak...
Our band was formed in 2018 and has been slowly falling apart ever since. We started off playing very shitty music and have been getting slightly better with each release...
I was in a headspace where I wanted a name that represents the closest to my essence. The symbol ((( O ))) represents energy, life-force, what we all have...
Everything needs to make sense together. It's easy to create music that is overbearing when you have six instruments on stage. You have to make sure every single one of them is playing something that is contributing without smothering...
I guess I was looking for different and fresh ways to write songs because I was a bit too used to writing in a specific way and wanted to shake things up...
We are four fully grown, real life human beings who like to make loud noises together and also share other common interests such as racing back to our day jobs the minute touring is over..
It's definitely the one that, on a human level, I resonate with the most. Spiderman, as a character, has everyday struggles, whether it's familial issues, financial issues, or day-to-day issues that a human being can have...