Hardcore Punk / Noise Pop / Power Pop
found the band through 'to lose you' on my discover weekly (i believe) and have been a fan since...
"found the band through 'to lose you' on my discover weekly (i believe) and have been a fan since. got super hyped learning that they were dropping a new album, and this album lived up to and far beyond the hype. i love 'nothing like', but 'i don't know you' has to be an all-time favourite of mine. kinda surreal seeing them get 'best new music' on pitchfork two albums in a row, and it's so well deserved. mp is one of the best bands putting out music right now. cya @ king tut's! Favorite track: Nothing Like."
Bandcamp User
this is easily my album of the year. my god.
Bandcamp User