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LOGIC - College Park Tour

The year is 2014 - You're watching a multi-cod (Call of Duty) montage and hear Logic for the first time. Logic's rise to fame came from this unconventional method of being pushed by organizations like Faze and the online gaming community...

LOGIC - College Park Tour


July 13, 2023
8 Mins
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The year is 2014 - You're watching a multi-cod (Call of Duty) montage and hear Logic for the first time. Part of Logic's rise to fame came from this unconventional method of being pushed by organizations like Faze and the online gaming community. I went from watching these Faze montages to downloading all of Logic's mixtapes on DatPiff.

Many refer to the 'golden age' of Logic as 2012 - 2014 when he dropped two of his most successful mix tapes 'Undeniable' & 'Welcome to Forever' along with his debut critically acclaimed album 'Under Pressure.'

Most of my friends around this time were obsessed with both Call of Duty and Logic - I was even able to see him in 2014 on his Under Pressure tour. Naturally, with age, I grew out of his work - especially during his rough 2019 double album release, which was (near) universally criticized for being overly commercial and low effort.

That 'golden age' period provided me, as an adolescent, with comfort in a particularly challenging time in my life. This show was an opportunity to revisit Logic's music nearly eight years later with my own substantial shift in self and perspective.

Much of Logic's early work has aged well and is still much of the foundation for tracks at his live events. Tracks like All I Do, Fade Away, and Gang Related were in rotation in his early set. Tracks released later in his discography I was unaware (& or) lacked the emotional response to.

Having that emotional attachment to music is rare & often indicative of where you were in life at a given moment. At times through the set, it was often a disassociate experience taking myself back to earlier periods of my life. Being in the photo pit within an arms reach of Logic would have been my dream in my adolescence, and it was surreal to think how things come full circle in this regard.

Logic (Left) - Castro (Right)

Overall, Logic was a great performer and spent a great deal of time interacting with the crowd. The stage design reflected his basement, where he recorded much of his early works—the stage walls were draped with different artistic media from Wu-Tang to Tarantino.

This show, for me, really was a time capsule transporting me into a domain of being I had not felt for some time. Music does have healing capabilities, and that process can look different for all genre preferences & stages of life.

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