(★ + ✰)

ACID SOULJAH - Interview

I try to be authentic and not present myself in a way that’s not relatable for supporters, being authentic to myself and kind to the people who support me has gotten me where I’m at and I’m super grateful for everyone who listens.

ACID SOULJAH - Interview


November 20, 2023
9 mins
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Tell us a bit about Acid Souljah.


Acid Souljah is just me, I try to be authentic and not present myself in a way that’s not relatable for supporters, being authentic to myself and kind to the people who support me has gotten me where I’m at and I’m super grateful for everyone who listens.

I started making music awhile ago and I have a real passion for the underground scene and the music being created by others and I feel inspired constantly by my peers and their successes.

For me, it’s really about the music and inspiring people to create music the same way I was inspired listening to my favorite rappers.


Talk to us a bit about 'Thank You Acid Souljah 2.'


Thank You Acid Souljah 2 was the 8th Album I released under the name Acid Souljah and I would consider it to be one of my bigger mixtapes.

Making the project was really fun cause I came together with a lot of my favorite producers/rappers and made a project I was really proud of. Since it’s digital release, my friends at BrattyDogRecords & Forced Resignation Records helped me make Cassettes and CDs of it.

I would say my favorite song off TYAS2 is papal swag with pope flamez, if you’re really tapped in you’ll know pope is a legend and the papalwave beats he makes are so sonically pleasing. I don’t have a lot to say about TYAS2 beyond that cause I’m not in the mindset I was when I made that tape at this moment. I’m looking forward to my new projects a lot.


Tell us a bit about the track, 'Miss The Trap' featuring RXK Nephew.


The way that song came together was really funny, my friend basedplugg had gotten an open from RXK and wanted to give it to me for Christmas cause he’s one of my favorite rappers.

I just knew I had to come with crazy energy cause nephew's verse on that song is so fire. It’s definitely one of my favorite songs that I have and one of the verses I’m most proud of. I met nephew on tour as well and he was super chill.

I’m definitely a fan of his work, so it was a really cool opportunity to get on a song with him & I’ll always be grateful for it.


Your visual design across your projects is quite unique. 

What themes are present in the way you construct your visual design?


I think a lot of the visual themes are in the hands of the artists that we have in seb, Luc, Fardnem & posixspwn. We have done a great job at crafting the aesthetics we use in art and videos.

As far as influence goes, I think we all love those old Gucci mane tape covers and crazy 3D art. In SEB, the goal has always been to make the highest quality material we can without having to spend mad bread, almost all of our videos have been shot on iPhone and shit.

I’m super greatful for Luc & all the other artists in SEB that help push the vision.


How did you first start rapping / who influenced you to start rapping?


I started rapping/making music when I was 14. I made a lot of songs that were low quality and just funny shitposts. I met seepy about a year into making music and we started taking stuff more seriously, and met Xhris2Eazy. We all started SEB and from there things have only been up.

I would say as far as influences go I have to say Lil B, Yung God, Black Kray, Metro Zu, Raider Klan, SeshHollowWaterBoyz, all the classic stuff.


How would you describe your style of rap & how would you describe that style to those unaware of the internet rap underground? 


I feel like putting a genre name on what I do is kinda difficult. It’s rap music and it’s based music and I’m inspired by a lot of elements of Chicago drill & bop music & Soulja boy and a lot of mixtapes from the Dat Piff era of music, I feel like the best term to describe my stuff is Based Revival Music.


You've released tons of Mixtapes, EPs, and singles over the course of your relatively short run as a rapper. 

Do you have a particular project that stands out as one of your favourites?


I feel like Trapped In Cheezlworld 3 is my favorite album I’ve made that’s out, me and keno and cheezl had been so locked in at that point that it was definitely the best product we could make at the time.

A lot of my lyrics on that tape was stuff I really meant and resonated with and I had a insane amount of fun creating the tape and working with cheezl and keno to make it perfect.

All the cheezlworld tapes hold a special place in my heart and I feel like me and cheezl finished off that trilogy perfectly with TICW3.


Tell us a bit about your 'real based healing' mixtape, 'Based Healing.'


Based Healing is a mixtape me and seepy made that we both love a lot, it was really inspired by metro zu and capturing that kind of vibe. It’s definitely one of my favorite tapes that I’ve made and we’re planning on making a second one in real life once I move to NYC.


Tell us a bit about the track, '(Shadow Wizard Money Gang) Acid Souljah & Octi - Nerd (Prod. Ss3bby)'


Me and octi made that song after we finished the 2Evil Ep and honestly it was so fire I couldn’t keep it vaulted 😂. We just have a recipe for making hits and going crazy on songs together. I want to bring him out to NYC next year and cook up with him In real life.


What sounds / styles are you looking to explore in the near future?


My next tape is gonna be entirely produced by Krxxk & Seepy so it’s gonna have a darker vibe with the trap instrumentals I usually use peaking through the tape. I have a lot of Eps I’ve been working on and a new project with Christ Dillinger, Xhris2Eazy, Bruhmanegod & Wendigo we made while we were on tour, We’ve also been working on the SEB tape.


What's next for Acid Souljah?


I have a lot of projects and music videos on the way and big moves lined up. I don’t wanna talk about yet but one thing I’m excited for is that we’re bringing the Christ Dillinger for president tour across the country and to Canada.

I’m excited to play more shows and meet all the supporters and drop more music for people to listen to.

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